Modern Matrix
In this world, everyone is always tied up in thoughts, moving in a continuous cycle. Very few people are aware of the convictions that underpin their attitudes, their mindset, their thinking, and therefore their choices, their actions, and their lives. Few are aware that they are chained into a fixed position by society. But what if thinking outside the box could be our way to escape? To live in a Modern Matrix is to be able to discern, to choose what is right and what is wrong, and to escape the prison of conventional thinking. Modern Matrixis a mindset to be curious enough to explore alternatives. For a transition to the desired world state, some people would prefer to have a set of matrices handed to them. But what if opening the closed doors to develop your own matrix is the best route to incorporate change? Far from putting rules into practice, sometimes it is the refinement of unspoken ideas that allows people to see things in a new light. This year's TEDx is dedicated to broadening our perspectives by adapting to change in our thinking, ideas, and norms. Let's foster innovation and creativity. A cadre of leading minds would be engaged with you to contribute to this area of the modern matrix. Let's take a pledge to get liberation from the crunches of a crippled society.